< freezy freeze > [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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lev, svenergy
april 20
phenac city, orre
dj / researcher
rising star
this feeling is heavy, makes my body ache and i'm ready to fall into the sky
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sven korolev
< freezy freeze > [m]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 22:25:01 GMT
sven korolev Avatar
He seemed so pitiful as he smacked his air conditioner and begged it to kick back on. Unfortunately it seemed the poor thing was at the end of its life. He tried a bit of everything. Unplugging it and plugging it back in. Pressing a variety of buttons. He even held the power button for a few seconds to see if it could do something. Nada. Zippo. Zilch. The thing was as good as gone now and the young man was stuck to live that sad realization. But at least he had a slight idea of what to do given it was too hot to stay indoors. Why not go for ice cream? He picked up his rotom phone and scrolled through until he found Elise's number. It seemed like a weird choice of people in his circle of acquaintances, but he figured the invite would help the ambassador blend in a bit more with the normal folks of Hoenn.

Hey! Meet me by the Castellia Cone stand! It's urgent!

Maybe he didn't have to make a mountain out of a mole hill like that, but he figured that ice cream did seem urgent. At least for him. Sweat trickled down his neck as he finally gave up on his air conditioner and went outside. It wasn't a far walk from his apartment to the stand he'd mentioned, and he made it there in about three minutes. Once he reached there, he ordered a Castellia cone for himself, and one for Elise when she finally arrived.

"It's way too hot today so I figured we could enjoy some ice cream together!" he attempted to reason with the ambassador.

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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
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darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
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5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
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Elise Calcifet
< freezy freeze > [m]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 23:58:24 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

The summer month brought the heat from the sun over to Mauville City’s streets as people were having some fun with some summer activities such as going to the beach, eating frozen treats, or hanging out with friends. A text comes to her Rotom phone from Sven who spoke of the urgency over at the Castelia Cone stand. Looking over to her Polteageist butler when he decides to come with her because he wants to safeguard the ambassador, they both make their way to the stand.[break][break]

Thankfully, the stand wasn’t too hard to find and there, the female royal finds the familiar form of the dark-haired male getting some Castelia cones. “So that was you meant with your message talking about something urgent at the Castelia cone stand? The summer heat is a bit too hot out.” She replied to Sven while taking the other Castelia cone he bought for her while the Polteageist gives a slight bow.



- None.



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played by


lev, svenergy
april 20
phenac city, orre
dj / researcher
rising star
this feeling is heavy, makes my body ache and i'm ready to fall into the sky
183 posts
sven korolev DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @sven
sven korolev
< freezy freeze > [m]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2023 0:14:07 GMT
sven korolev Avatar
"Yeah yeah! I decided to run and get some cause my air conditioner decided to die on me, and I figured I'd see if anyone else wanted to come along."

At the sight of Elise's Polteageist she had named Chamomile, he gave a polite wave to the butleresque pokemon. The ghost pokemon was so refined that Sven felt he wasn't exactly the proper company to bask in. But that was just the fact he'd never really been in the company of regal folks.

"Yo, Chamomile!" he greeted. "You know it's pretty coincidental cause I have a Sinistea I named Chamomile, too. Maybe they're siblings."

It was a joke to clear the air, but he did think it was pure coincidence they were like-minded in that situation. Sven took another bite of his cone and couldn't help but let out an almost over-exaggerated 'mmm!' It was just the treat he needed for this sweltering day, but the way it began to melt began to drip down his fingers, and Sven was quick to try and lap it up. After realizing just what he did, he grabbed himself a napkin and cleaned off his hand, then offered one to Elise. His words were preceded by a chipper grin.

"Hopefully you weren't up to anything important," he offered in a sort-of apology. "I just figured that it wouldn't hurt for me to help show you what us commonfolk indulge in during the summer."

⚰︎ divider made by milky!

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